Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Blackberries in Lemon Creme... Among Other Things

It was my turn to make dessert for our small group last week, and I had to figure out something that would work for the three of us that are on the Daniel Fast and the three of us that aren't. I bought bunches of beautiful blackberries and strawberries (not pictured) and put them on top of some delectable homemade lemon cream for the ones who are not fasting. Even though I'm not supposed to have sugar, I may have had a little taste just to make sure it was good enough to serve :) ... It was delectable, and a nice twist on the traditional whipped cream that usually accompanies springtime berries. It's incredibly simple:

Combine approximately 2 1/4 cups of heavy whipping cream, 6 tablespoons of confectioners sugar, the zest of one large lemon and half of its juice. Mix it together, on the lowest setting of your mixer, until the cream becomes firm. This took me about 5 minutes. Adjust any of these ingredients to your liking! Serve with berries.

On a less-related note, I have to share this picture. Meredith claimed in her Maid of Honor speech at my wedding that when we were little and played dress-up, I was always the bride and always made her be the boy. Well, my mom recently found this photo, and it is undeniable proof that there were indeed times in my childhood when I relinquished the coveted bride role to my bestest pal. Mere, you can never accuse me of such atrocities again :)

I was in Tyler this weekend for my little brother's high school graduation (Congrats, Joseph!). We went out to breakfast at this super cool cafe where they serve all their food on these incredibly beautiful dishes. I am obsessed. Aren't they so cool???

And this really has absolutely nothing to do with this food blog AT ALL... but above is a picture of how I have been spending my time since receiving my Masters in Social Work. Painting. Yes. It makes me happy. Now Anthony gets to endure this super girly door in our new guest bedroom.


  1. this is the ONE instance in our childhood where you let me be the bride!!!lol!!

    ps did you make that creme recipe up? it looks scrumptious

  2. I edited another recipe I found... I changed the proportions of ingredients and added the lemon juice.
