Saturday, June 18, 2011

The Health Benefits of Whole Grains

So the other day I tried to make lasagna for the first time.


It wasn't great.

I got home late and was really rushed because Anthony and I were soooo hungry. I didn't season properly, I didn't pay close attention to the recipe, I was scattered and crazy in the kitchen.

Whatever, it happens. To see my philosophy on not taking your time while cooking, see my March post entitled "Taking My Time..."

One thing I was happy about, though, is that I was able to find whole wheat lasagna noodles.

Have y'all discovered whole wheat pasta yet? It's great... I hardly notice any difference in taste and it has so many health benefits that regular pasta just doesn't bring to the table.

It seems to me that there is a food revolution going on in this country... a push towards being conscious of what we put in our bodies and how we take care of ourselves. Think about Michelle Obama's campaign against childhood obesity and Jamie Oliver's new T.V. show that seeks to improve school lunches. So much of what we eat these days is highly processed, full of preservatives, is stripped of nutrition, and does little for our bodies besides fill us up. Since I hate exercise and physical activity (I know I know.... I'm working on it), I at least try to make sure that what I put in my body is actually doing something good for me.

Do I sound preachy? Ok I'll stop now. Just let me relay what the Mayo Clinic (a highly respected institution) says about whole grains:

- Whole grains have more protein...

- More fiber....

- And more vitamins such as potassium and magnesium than refined grains.

- Because they are higher in fiber, they make you feel fuller, longer.

To see the whole article, click here.

You can get whole grain anything these days... sandwhich bread, hamburger buns, pasta, rice, crackers... it's wonderful. And, in my opinion, delicious.

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