Once upon a time I tried to make an edamame smoothie. Yep. Edamame Smoothie. I used frozen edamame, plain yogurt, flax seed, and honey. It was the same color as my shirt, which was cool, but it wasn't very good. Something about the meaty quality of a soy bean made the smoothie too thick... it didn't have that slurpy quality that every good smoothie has. The next time I tried I added a couple of strawberries, but then the strawberry taste overpowered that wonderful soy taste. I'm trying to brainstorm about what I can add to make this smoothie tasty, silky, and have it retain the essential essence of the edamame. Thoughts? Suggestions? Please comment below and help answer this cosmic question.
Also, this has nothing to do with food, but my precious little brother, Sam, won first place in the science fair!!!! (Nevermind that my mother falsified all the data). Isn't he the most precious boy you have ever seen????
ok if you want that delicious soy taste, i recommend just using soy milk instead of orange juice for your smoothie. it will keep you full longer because it has a good amount of protein in it. or are you set on using soy beans for your source of soy?