Monday, November 7, 2011

homemade laundry soap

My friend Jenni has introduced me to all kinds of wonderful new things (she's the one I accredit the homemade yogurt to) and one of these new wonderful things is homemade laundry soap.  Did I mention that all of the wonderful new things Jenni has taught me are all incredibly cost effective?  I just spent the last 20 minutes doing the math on this.  It is quite literally the most revolutionary thing ever.  EVER.  You can do the math on your own because me trying to explain it will send your mind into stress.  It sent mine into stress, but basically here's what you need to know: It will cost you about $8 to buy all the products you need and it will yield you 192 loads- 192 PEOPLE!  So, if you do 3 loads a week, you'll have 64 weeks of laundry soap!  ALL FOR UNDER $10!!!!  Have your minds registered with this fact: that's over a YEAR'S worth of laundry soap!!! for around $8!!!! 

I just can't contain my excitement.  Scott Mayo, I am saving us SO much money!  If a regular detergent that yields 64 loads is around $5, you might buy detergents once a month, so that's $60 over a year for laundry detergent- and that's if you are doing a minimal amount of laundry!  This recipe saves you at LEAST $50 and MORE if you are doing lots of laundry!

here is the recipe for homemade laundry soap.

This is someone else's website and ingeniousness- Jenni introduced me to the site she uses- this is not her original idea!  

Grammy and JoJo, I realize that this method has been around for a long time, but apparently it's the new trend to do things the old school way :)  And for those of you on a budget like myself, old school is budget school!


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